Harrison l5 lathe manuals
Harrison l5 lathe manuals

harrison l5 lathe manuals harrison l5 lathe manuals

If you have a l00 nose, there are quite often jacobs rubberflex chucks and collets on ebay, sometimes at reasonable money. Im slowly collecting stuff to respindle to l00 this winter along with going back to a 3 phase motor with vfd and swap my 3 speed feed box to the norton one I have stashed in my cabinet ready.

harrison l5 lathe manuals

That model is a l5a, the norton gearbox and 11' motif put it as such, Also I believe I can see the l00 locking ring on the chuck, which should mean its l00 fitment chuck rather than the 2.25 nose although I don't know what other variants the usa variants had, although its not YOUR lathe just a stock photo so you can't rely on that yet as I bought a l5a and it arrived with a 2.25' screwed shank nose. Its a shame its been disassembled, the factory went to great lengths to shim the bed to the stand, which is a steel welded construction.

Harrison l5 lathe manuals