Example the SC series is actually a LiYu cut, My zen green is actually a GCC Puma3s. I tried the Puma3s drivers that come loaded in LXi and no JoY the cutter would peter out llike there was a static issue or something. I tried loading newer drivers from GCC whom swore they would work and still no JoY. In the end and in my case I was forced to do a dirty hack to make my machine recognizable. By that I mean I had to download a firmware version of the Puma3 and flash my firmware. This is admittedly not a preffered way to go however no one had any solid answers and signwarehouse has the worst CS in the trade so they are no help at all. This was over the head of most CS reps though and IN NO WAY RECOMMENDED.

Refurbed so if and before you guys get any crazy ideas think about that first.